
To the Man who stole my watch at the pool.

It is a good watch: I have had it for over 10 years, and it has kept time faithfully all through except for the times when the battery needed changing and when water got into it at the pool (after a badly done battery change).

I took it off, and put it in the soap dish in the shower, telling myself not to forget it when I got out. Then I forgot it when I got out to go to the pool. I only remembered it after doing 1 lap, but by then you had already taken it.

So what shall I say to you, who took what is not yours? Should I rant and rave? Call down curses on your head? Wish you mayhem and malady? I would like to...... but;

I wish you fair winds and sunny skies.
I pray you find happiness in the honest work your hands accomplish from day to day.
I wish health to you and your loved ones, blessings on your children, peace in your home.
I pray you learn from your mistakes, and never have to suffer from them.
I pray you look back on your life on day, and see it filled with experiences more precious than diamonds.

Pax Vobiscum.

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