
A really good read

No, this time, you do not have to put up with my pseudo-intellectualism.
This time its someone elses pseudo-intellectualism.

Ok, ok, not pseudo - this is someone a lot closer to intelligent than I may ever be.

Aloysious Mowe writes about people who act holier than thou, and intellectual dishonesty.


the use of the word “Allah”

Here is a news item from the STAR today.
(I have found that the New Straits Times is an unreliable news source, because their stories and pages can 'dissappear' from their site. Probably when the article is deemed 'sensitive')

Religious councils want to intervene in application.
KUALA LUMPUR: Two more parties are applying to be part of the Catholic Church’s application for a judicial review over the use of the word “Allah”.

The Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) yesterday filed its application to intervene in the suit through Azra & Associates while the Kedah Islamic Religious Council (Maik) filed its application through the firm of Omayah, Nawal & Partners.

Other parties to the suit are the Islamic religious councils for the states of Penang, Terengganu, Perak and the Federal Territories as well as the Malaysian Gurdwaras Council, the sole non-Muslim intervener in the suit.

Among others, Mais and Maik are seeking to intervene on grounds that they were responsible for the administration of Islam and Islamic laws in the two states and to prevent any confusion that could threaten public peace and security or raise religious sensitivities.

While the dedication of these religious councils to the dignity of Islam is commendable, I can not but wonder if it is misplaced. There have been articles and letters in the Malaysian media pointing out that in the Middle-East, "Allah" is the name used for "God" by many communities, not just the Muslim community. Specifically, "Allah" is used by middle-Eastern Christians without causing even a blink of surprise by their Muslim neighbors.

If the use of "Allah" by Christians and Sikhs would be occasion for the downfall of Islam and mass apostacy, as our dear Malaysian politicians say (yes, I blame the politicians and not the religious authorities), then there would be mass conversions to Christianity in the Arab countries and to Sikhism in India. But as my friend Johan said - it is insulting to us Malays that you think we are so stupid as to be confused so easily.

The dedication of the religious councils would be better put into spreading truth among the ummah (that "Allah" is a word that pre-dates Islam, and is used by many communities) than to keeping the truth away from the ummah. We dont want Malaysians to become like "katak di bawah tempurung".


Malaysia: ‘Allah’ Just for Muslims

We all know about the HERALD being at risk of not having it's licence renewed due to this issue - you can read a quick summary in the New York Times article HERE

Notice at the end of the article:
"Abdullah Mohamad Zin, the government minister for Islamic affairs, clarified that the restriction on Allah was still in place. “The use of the word Allah by non-Muslims may arouse sensitivity and create confusion among Muslims in the country,” the newspaper The Star quoted him as saying."

Effectively, the renewal of The Herald's licence in Dec2007 was just a concession - probably because of the coming elections. It's no secret that the issue was brought up to the PM (Badawi) by a Christian Govenment Minister. If the Barisan National wins a 2/3 majority, I would NOT be surprised if the 'Allah' issue eventually crops up again, and (contrary to how the rest of the Islamic world uses the word), "Allah" in Malaysia becomes the property of Islamic organisations.

A vote for BN will determine the freedom of religion of your children. Vote wisely on Mar 08 2008.

Cross reference - click here to read an interesting blog article on 'ALLAH'.


Homilies of a Jesuit

This is an excellent find!! Someone is collecting the homilies of a Jesuit and blogging them (with permission of course, and before you ask, its not me).
Great for a weekly reflection based on the theme of the previous Sunday readings.
The home page is here: http://homiliesofajesuit.blogspot.com/

This is the reflection for Christmas 2007.